Rattle of Bamboo our group anthology reading July 29, 2007
cool hotel lobby
I watch traffic passing
and remember you
Punctuating the reading appropriate to our oriental roots and setting, were Japanese and Chinese flutes and percussion, so in tune with our lyrical verse and images. Rick Wilson played Japanese shinoboe as introduction, with Kath Wilson on Japanese drums. At mid-reading he played a Chinese dizi accompanied by small cymbals and the reading ended with the intensity of the Japanese ryuteki (dragon flute) and drums.
One of the most moving points of the reading was a series presented by our dedicated editor, Linda Galloway, of haiku inspired and dedicated to the passing of her beloved daughter a year ago. The deep sound of a Nepalese singing bowl added to the dramatic moment.
Debbie Kolodji's beautiful musical verse so appropriately reflects the mood of our presentation:
green storm
a gong echoes
as it stills
The spirit of lost friends, the reading community of strong and expressive poets, the founding by Jerry Ball, who set this group sail, the generosity of our host the Pacific Asia Museum, the beauty of the setting, the music like wind through bamboo, the work of our editor and moderator, all made this an unforgettably poetic experience for all involved. We look forward to next year's anthology and presentation!