Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 21, 2006 - Workshop and Kukai

Pacific Asia Museum Courtyard
The Southern California Haiku Study Group met for the first time in its new home at the Pacific Asia Museum on Saturday, October 21st. Shown above are (top row)Victor Ortiz, (second row) Peggy Hehman-Smith, Kathy Wilson, Linda Galloway, Debbie Kolodji, Tom Bilicke, D'Ellen Hutchens, Nardin Gottfried (bottom row) Wendy Wright, Vic Gendrano, and Darrell Byrd. Not shown but present were Kraig Keeler, Inez, and Mimi Ortiz. Everyone enjoyed tea, cookies, sesame and rice crackers, haiku sharing, haiku workshop, and a kukai.

Some kigo appropriate for October discussed were:

The Season: autumn, autumn dusk, Indian summer

Sky and Heavens: fire sky, Santa Ana winds, starless sky, Orionids

Mountains and Fields: brush fires, harvest

Flowers and Plants: last tomatoes, honey locust blooms, scented angel trumpets, pumpkins, changing leaves

Birds and Animals: returning seagulls, white pelican, widowed mockingbird, deer mating, crow convention

Human Affairs: baseball, football, lobster season, Halloween

Some sample haiku from our kukai:

highway fog
the honking of geese
homeward bound

- Darrell Byrd

starless sky
my son tells me
he's moving out

- Deborah P Kolodji

morning boats
my dreams
in lobster cages

- Victor Ortiz


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