Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 16, 2007 - Workshop and Kukai

The June workshop and kukai was attended by Ines Foley, Tom Bilicke, Linda Galloway, Nardin Gottfried, Debbie Kolodji, Lindy Hill, G. Murray Thomas, D'Ellen, Darrell Byrd, Pauli Dutton, Naia, and Wendy Wright.

After a haiku read-around, we discussed the season's kigo:

The Season: summer, June gloom
Sky and Heavens: summer constellations, short shadows
Mountains, Fields, and Ocean: dry grass
Flowers and Plants: jacaranda pods, green tomatoes
Birds and Animals: bees in fallen blooms, feeding finches
Human Affairs: weddings, Father's Day

There were several nice haiku in the kukai:

dawn moon
I too, only half

- Darrell Byrd

evening primrose
she unwinds her long
black hair

- Linda Galloway

poetry by the water
a green heron
cocks his head

- G. Murray Thomas