Sunday, November 26, 2006

November 18, 2006 - Workshop and Kukai

Pacific Asia Museum, November 18, 2006

On November 18th, Nardin Gottfreid, Tom Bilicke, Inez, Kathy Wilson, Peggy Hehman-Smith, Wendy Wright, Darrell Byrd, Linda Galloway, and Debbie Kolodji met at the Pacific Asia Museum for a haiku workshop, kigo discussion and kukai.

Some of the kigo appropriate for November:

The Season: late autumn, shorter days, first rain
Sky and Heavens: Leonids, Andromeda
Mountains, Fields, and Ocean: gleaning, falling leaves, dead grass
Flowers and Plants: sycamore leaves, cattails, pomegranate, acorn litter
Birds and Animals: hawks, pregnant deer, pregnant gray whales, rain beetles
Human Affairs: football pep rallies, lost umbrella, cranberry sauce, cornbread stuffing

Sample haiku from the kukai:

October dawn —
a pheasant fades
into the cotton field

--Darrell Byrd

first chill--
the noh dancer's eyes
see through me

--Wendy Wright

a pumpkin face
caved in upon itself --
my new chin hair

--linda galloway

The next SCHSG workshop and kukai will be on December 16, 2006 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at the Pacific Asia Museum.


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